Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Child's Education Journal

A Child’s Education
            After watching the movie Waiting for Superman, it made me really understand some of the issues that there are in public schools. As a child I really didn’t pay attention to the important issues that parents worry about. Today, I am a parent and now I understand why parents are very concerned about their children’s education. Education is a lifelong achievement, without it, children do not have a future to look forward to.
            As a parent of three children choosing schools is a very difficult task. I want my children to get the best education they can. When we send our children to school, parents put their children’s future in the hands of teachers. I’m sure it takes a lot of patience to be a teacher.
            Teachers have to find plenty of things to keep the children busy and interested. If a child looses interest in school at a young age, it is very hard to get them interested again. Finding good schools with good teachers is very hard to come by. You will rarely find a great school with great teachers or you will find a not so good school with excellent teachers. I’m sure every school has good and bad apples that teach in them. Parent’s choices are normally schools close to their homes. Sometimes we move so that better schools are closer.
I feel teachers today have it a lot harder then what they did when I was in school. Teachers today have no leg to stand on when it comes to discipline, and children know it. If we needed discipline, we got it. Today kids take advantage of teachers. It takes a special person to be a teacher and I look up to them and praise them every day for the hard work that they do.

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